  • Articles
  • June 2015
  • 1 minute

The Future of Underwriting - It is Nearly Here!​

Medical Advances
In Brief
Underwriters need to act now to monitor and prepare for rapid technological changes in information access and management. 
Imagine a future where underwriters can have complete medical records available at their fingertips. Now, add to that instantly accessible up-to-date information about the applicant’s blood pressure, heart rhythm and other vital physical signs. In such a future, underwriting will become faster, cheaper and better. In the U.K., there is a growing belief that this future is nearly here. 

Recent technological and medical advancements are enabling easy access to medical information, bringing challenges and major opportunities for insurers. So what do these technological and medical advances mean for underwriters? This paper explores the implications of these changes.  

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Meet the Authors & Experts

Pip Piperdy
Yunus Piperdy
Vice President and Head of Underwriting Innovation Strategy,  RGA UK (ret.)


Reprinted with permission of ON THE RISK, Journal of the Academy of Life Underwriting (www.ontherisk.com).