  • Articles
  • August 2020
  • 5 minutes

Positioning for the "New Normal" : RGA's Global Life and Health Underwriting Survey

  • Nic Lempriere-Hogg
  • Daniel Lyons
  • Leigh Allen
  • Hamza Shaiban
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Accelerated underwriting and innovation
In Brief

That was the chief finding from a wide-ranging RGA survey from 2019, and the impact of COVID-19 seems likely to only reinforce these trends. Now, more than ever, consumers are demanding modernization, and those insurers demonstrate greater technical agility, increased consumer-centricity, more creative use of data, and greater cost efficiency are at an advantage.

An underwriting transformation is gathering speed at large, multinational life and health insurers, with change becoming a “new normal.” That was the chief finding from a wide-ranging RGA survey from 2019, and the impact of COVID-19 seems likely to only reinforce these trends. Now, more than ever, consumers are demanding modernization, and those insurers demonstrate greater technical agility, increased consumer-centricity, more creative use of data, and greater cost efficiency are at an advantage.

Global Health and Life UW Survey Infographic

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Meet the Authors & Experts

Nic Lempriere-Hogg
Senior Vice President (ret.), Underwriting Divisional Functional Leader
Dan Lyons
Daniel Lyons
Vice President, Business Initiatives, Global Accounts
Leign Allen
Leigh Allen
Associate Vice President, Strategic Research
Hamza Shaiban
Hamza Shaiban
Senior Analyst, Business Initiatives, Global Accounts